Chatom mural
Chatom Elementary School

WE have a lot to learn today! MAKE it a great day!

Chatom Elementary School is located west of Turlock in a rural agricultural area, bordered by orchards, dairies and corn fields. We offer a rigorous academic program designed to meet state standards and challenge students to think creatively and problem solve. Full-day kindergarten and transitional kindergarten (TK) provide students with a solid academic foundation. Our close-knit staff collaborates regularly to meet the needs of students and analyze student progress. Many of our students’ families have attended for multiple generations and parents are actively involved in a partnership with Chatom staff to provide the best education for our students. Providing a safe and positive learning environment for students is our first priority. All students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner, showing courtesy and respect toward all individuals and property.

Chatom Elementary Newsletter

Our Mission

The mission of Chatom Elementary is to provide a comprehensive, rigorous instructional program with creative learning opportunities and experiences that meet the needs of it’s diverse rural student population, ensuring all students reach their individual potential to be responsible, compassionate, contributing citizens.


Read Our Newsletter
Lee Nuestro Boletín

Staff Directory

Chatom Elementary School

Cruz, Sara

Cruz, Bernadette


Hernandez, Yajayra

Souza, Nancy

Machado, Courtney

Williamson, Sandy

Sanchez, Lisa

Jimenezsoto, Daniel


Comm/Data Services Tech

Student Records Requests

Elementary School Secretary




Speech Pathologist

Computer Lab Tech/Tech Support

[email protected] 

[email protected]


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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[email protected]


Aguiniga (Rosa), Linda

Barajas, Alejandra

Burciaga, Nayeli

Carlson, Dan

Carrera, Daniella

Dompe, Eloisa

Espindula, Amy

Gonzales, Guadalupe

Haile, Beth

Ochoa, Alexandria

Oliveira, Christina

Olson, Morgan

Ostrander, Sharon

Padilla, Shannon

Redman, Kelli

Salas, Alexandria

Tyler, Brett

Vasquez, Marissa

Wigt, Maria



Transitional Kindergarten

3rd grade

5th grade

Transitional Kindergarten

2nd grade

3rd grade

1st grade

2nd grade

4th grade


1st grade


2nd grade

5th grade

Special Day/Resource

4th grade


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Find Us

Chatom Elementary School

7221 Clayton Rd
Turlock, CA 95380

Phone: 209-664-8500
Fax: 209-664-8520

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